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Information for poster presenters:

- Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait).

- Posters Schedule: Posters should be displayed on Tuesday November 19, 2019 (before the first coffee break) and should be removed November 21, 2019 (after the first coffee break). 
Posters should be presented during the designated sessions and usually during the coffee breaks.

- To each poster will be assigned a number.

- You will find double side tape directly on the panel to hang your poster.

Check the number we assigned to your poster. You have to find your panel (with your number) and hang your poster.

  Reyda Akdemir (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Mechanical properties of aligned PCL nanofibers made by electrospinning
  Azzurra Apriceno (University College London, United Kingdom)
Design of multivalent polymersomes for range-selective binding
  Mariana Arce (Universidad Europea, Spain)
Antifungal effect of pegylated graphene oxide and silver nanoparticles against candida albicans
  Xavier Arqué (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain)
Intrinsic Enzymatic Properties Modulate the Self-Propulsion of Micromotors
  Elena Barbero Colmenar (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Curcumin-loaded PVP particles produced by electrospray
  Jesús Caramés (Sitec Pharmabio, Spain)
Water elimination by CO2 cryospraying technology to obtain dry microparticles from biphasic, lipid dispersed systems
  Luis Enrique Coronas Serna (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Coarse-grained model for water and water-protein interfaces
  Fatma Cagla Durmus (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Silver foams with hierarchical pores for antibacterial activity
  Mariona Escoda-Torroella (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Insights into the synthesis of Bi2S3 nanostructures for Computed Tomography
  Guillem Ferreres Cabanes (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Metal-enzyme nano-composites with bactericidal and antibiofilm efficacies
  Adrianna Glinkowska Mares (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain)
When and Where: Microfluidic Cancer-on-a-chip platform for real-time imaging of drug delivery systems stability and extravasation
  Bruno Hermenegildo (BCMaterials, Spain)
Hybrid fibrous microenvironments for muscle tissue engineering
  Diana Leite (University College London, United Kingdom)
Controlling Cellular Trafficking by Nanoparticle Avidity: From Endocytosis to Transcytosis
  Joaquin Llacer (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain)
STORM characterization of enzyme powered micro- and nanomotors
  Ana Marques (CENIMAT|i3N, Portugal)
Label-free nanosensing platform for breast cancer exosome profiling
  Diana Matias (University College London (UCL), United Kingdom)
SRs and Cd81 Receptors-mediated endocytosis of PMPC-PDPA polymersomes via dynamin II-independent manner
  Pouya Mehdrel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Novel 3d Printed Capacity and pH Buffer Sensor
  José Miguel Molina Jordá (University of Alicante, Spain)
Modification of the magnesium corrosion rate in physiological saline 0.9 wt % NaCl via chemical and electrochemical coating of reduced graphene oxide
  Sujey Palma (Institut de Bioenginyeria de catalunya (IBEC), Spain)
Development and permeability evaluation through BBB on a chip model of Gold nanorods with therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease
  Panagiota Papadopoulou (Leiden Institute of Chemistry, The Netherlands)
BBB-targeting liposomes : Design, characterization and in vivo evaluation
  Allan Tobi (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Affinity-Targeted Silver Nanoparticles as a Research Tool and a Drug Carrier
  Eric Voltá Durán (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Controlling self-assembling and tumor cell-targeting through modular protein engineering